Cum ne modelează propriile creații: cultivarea orezului ne face mai altruiști, cultivarea grâului, mai egoiști

Studiul științific despre care voi vorbi astăzi are ceva din doctrina alchimică. În această doctrină, munca depusă pentru transformarea materiei se răsfrânge asupra celui care o practică, prin transformarea spirituală a practicantului. Orice transformare a materiei de către om este corelată cu o transformare a omului însuși. Astfel, căutarea alchimică devine o cale a transformării... Continue Reading →

Unlocking Nature’s Defense: How Corn Plants Combat Arsenic Contamination

The University of Basel, in collaboration with the University of Bern, conducted a study on the impact of arsenic contamination on crops, particularly focusing on corn plants. Arsenic, a toxic element found naturally in soils, poses a significant threat to agriculture and human health, as it accumulates in the food chain. The study, published in... Continue Reading →

Și dacă, totuși, fermierii români au dreptate în fața „științei oficiale”?

Probabil că mulți dintre dumneavoastră ați privit mirați protestele tot mai vehemente ale fermierilor români față de sistemul de protecție antigrindină pe bază de rachete cu iodură de argint dezvoltat de Guvernul României în ultimii 10 – 15 ani. Subiectul conflictului este simplu: stațiile care lansează rachetele cu iodură de argint sunt pozitionate în multe... Continue Reading →

A bacterium that loves the Church strikes again: bread that turned into blood puts the Catholic Church in India on edge

An apparently supernatural event has unsettled the local community and the Catholic Church in a village in India, according to local press reports. The Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Chekiye village reported that a piece of sacred bread (used in the Christian sacrament of the Eucharist) transformed into a liquid resembling blood. The... Continue Reading →

Bread Isn’t Your Enemy: Insights from Dr. Neal Barnard’s Book on Weight Loss and Health

In his new book, "The Power Foods Diet," Dr. Neal Barnard, a respected figure in the field of medicine and the founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, challenges the conventional approach to weight loss. Instead of focusing on restrictive diets or expensive supplements, Barnard advocates for a simple yet powerful idea: eating more... Continue Reading →

The World’s Oldest Leavened Bread Discovered

Perhaps the most significant beginning-of-the-year revelation is the shattering of the myth that the first bread was leavened in Egypt. Researchers at Necmettin Erbakan University (Konya, Turkey) have unearthed an 8,600-year-old "bread." The discovery was made near a structure identified as an oven at the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük. The spongy residues, evaluated as leavened... Continue Reading →

High Niacin Levels Linked to Increased Heart Disease Risk, Reveals New Study

High levels of niacin, a B-group vitamin considered essential, may increase the risk of heart disease by triggering inflammation and damaging blood vessels, according to a new study published today in Nature Medicine. The study revealed a previously unknown risk associated with excessive amounts of the vitamin, which is found in many foods, including meat,... Continue Reading →

S-a mai stins o stea în industria noastră

S-a stins într-o maiestuoasă discreție buna noastră prietenă Liliana Mazareanu. O femeie deosebită și o luptătoare desăvârșită căreia industria de morărit și panificație din România îi datorează mult mai mult decât se poate spune acum sau de cât se poate vedea. Prin intermediul Enzymes & Derivates / Cope SA a finanațat cărți de specialitate, întâlniri... Continue Reading →

Dangerous Uniformity: The Threat to Diversity and Authenticity in the Food Industry

The times we live in are quite complicated. In the United States, one of the most dynamic companies in the market, King Arthur Baking Company, is experiencing firsthand the old saying that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." In short, the company not only produces and sells flour but is also involved... Continue Reading →

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